years of service

We appreciate all that our employees do...whether it's your first year or your 35th, thank you for inspiring and empowering our learners each and every day!

15 Year: Sandi Burger, Samantha Lumpkin, Barbara Soza, Jackie Kuchta, Michael Nary, Sandra Sutton, Michelle Lanese, Walt Pesta

15 years of service

20 Year:  Bruce Abbott, Dave Anderson, Curt Chikik, Nick Ciulli, Lisa Elliott, Kathy Filuta, Chris Gorbett, Deanna Gordon, Patty Gurka, Jennifer Harold, Rich Hrin, Robin Kramer, Denise Kuchta, Kami Likovic, Heather Madjar, Jennifer Malik, Maria Masch, Nick Neumeister, Catherine Norris, Deanna Paolino, Susan Pellechia, Sandy Perozeni, Bryan Sheffield, Sharon Vonderau, Jessica Yappel, Beth Zabor, and Kathy Zamborsky

20 years

25 Year:  Beverly Beutler, Julie Caputo, Sean Drvenkar, Jill Evangelista, Kelly Fadrowski, Sarah Franko, Kelly Galey, Sharon Hansen, Maria Hebebrand, Kathryn Hindall, James Leonard, Jessica Lobaza, Thomas Magpoc, David Marhefk, Kelly Moore, Joseph Quayle, Mary Ann Trunzo, and Robin Vargo

25 years

30 Year:  Leonard Rich, Christine Shepherd, Lisa Sprunger, and Cindy Velotta

30 years

35 Year:  Dean Chuppa, Elisabeth Nevits, Cathleen Rush, and Kathleen Zink

35 years