David Vitale

Over the summer, North Royalton High School Director of Bands, David Vitale was nominated and inducted into the International Bandmasters Association – also known as Phi Beta Mu.  This organization is composed of an elite group of Band Directors.  The group honors outstanding band directors whose dedication and devotion to their profession is paramount.  

The group evolved from the National Bandmasters Association, and expanded into foreign countries and developed into the International Bandmasters Association, the title as it is currently known today.  As the organization’s mission statement explains, the group is organized to promote fellowship among its members, to encourage the building of better bands and the development of better musicians in schools throughout the world, to foster a deeper appreciation for quality wind literature, and to encourage widespread interest in band performance.  

Induction into this elite group was the result of several of Vitale’s colleagues and peers in the band world nominating him into this group.  Vitale states, “This is quite a large honor to be nominated to this group because the nominations came from fellow adjudicators, directors, and colleagues throughout the state, for which I have a tremendous amount of respect.  For them to see and hear my work and to be selected to join the ranks of these outstanding band directors is both humbling and rewarding.  I am honored to be considered alongside such incredible colleagues in this select group.” 

Vitale is currently serving as Director of Bands at North Royalton High School and directs the NRHS Marching Band, Freshman Band, Wind Ensemble, Jazz Band I, and Jazz Band II.