News from North Royalton Middle School

Important Dates

  • April 16 - PTA Meeting 9:30 a.m. North Royalton Public Library

  • April 17 - NRMS 8th Gr DC Trip Parent Meeting 6:30 p.m. NRMS Purple Gym

  • April 18 - PTA Founders Night 6:30 p.m. NRHS Media Center

  • April 20 - NRAB Night at the Races - Use the link!

  • April 24 - Pride of NRMS 8:00 a.m.

  • April 24 - Adjudications Concert - Gr. 7 Purple & Gold Bands & Gr. 8 Band 6:30 p.m. NRMS Gold Gym

  • April 26 - 7/8 Student Council Dance 6:00 p.m. NRMS Gold Gym - scroll for details

  • April 29 - CIAC Meeting 11:30 a.m. in the NRHS Community Rm

  • April 29 - Incoming 5th Gr Parent Night 6:30 p.m. NRMS Purple Gym

  • May 1-3 - 8th grade field trip to Washington D.C.

Springing into Spring

It is VERY hard to believe we are in the final weeks of the school year. Our students are about to give their best on our Ohio State Tests, our track team is rolling into competitions, our Power of the Pen squad is gaining recognition in each of their events, and music competitions are approaching! In just a few weeks, it will be time to celebrate all of our student achievements from academics to athletics, the arts, and more. Our staff is ready to cheer for all the ways our kids have grown this year.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher, school counselor, grade level principal, or me with any questions.  



Washington D.C. Extended Field Trip

The extended field trip to Washington D.C. is rapidly approaching. There will be an informational parent meeting on Wednesday, April 17 at 6:30 p.m. in the Purple Gym to finalize all details pertaining to the field trip.

Clothing Donations Help NRMS Students

Please consider donating used clothing, footwear, undergarments, accessories, handbags, and linens to the North Royalton Middle School Clothes Bin which is located near the athletic parking lot.  It is a large green container.  This helps support North Royalton Middle School.

North Royalton Middle School Clothes Bin

Ohio State Testing

As a result of the state-wide testing issue on Wednesday, we have had some shifts in our OST schedule. Please see the new schedule below:

  • ELA 5th/6th Test April 16 & 17

  • ELA 7th/8th Test April 18 & 19

  • Sci 5th/8th April 23 

  • Math 7th/8th April 25 & 26

  • Math 5th/6th April 29 & 30

7th to 8th Grade Scheduling

7th graders are scheduling for the 2024-2025 school year. Our 7th grade counselor, Mrs. Paolino is helping our students with scheduling over the next few weeks. Please use this link to see what courses are available for your future 8th grader; this document does not include band, choir or foreign language (for which you must qualify).

Visitor ID 

Each building in the district recently installed schoolSAFEid stations in their main offices. When you arrive to pick-up a student or check-in for an event, please know you will be asked for photo identification. Thank you for your cooperation.