News from North Royalton Middle School

Dates of important events

  • January 2 - School Resumes
  • January 4-17 Winter Benchmarking
  • January 5 - 8th grade Alg/Geometry Midterms
  • January 10 - Pride of NRMS
  • January 11 - End of 2nd Grading Period
  • January 12 - Teacher In-Service - No School
  • January 15 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day - No School
  • January 16 - NRMS PTA Meeting North Royalton Library 9:30 a.m.
  • January 17, 18 - High School Transition Activities for Gr. 8 students
  • January 18 - HS Scheduling/8th Gr. Parent Night 7 p.m. in PAC
  • January 18 - Feb 1 Popcorn Fundraiser
  • January 19 - Report Cards Finalized/Available Electronically
  • January 22 - IAAT for 6th and qualified 7th graders this week
  • January 22 - STAND Tobogganing Outing
  • January 25 - Winter Tailgate after school
  • January 31 - Cleveland Guardians Day! Brian Miles Leadership Assemblies/Conference

Welcome Back

While I do hope everyone had an enjoyable winter break, I am excited it's time to start the second half of our school year adventure! 8th graders have quite a bit to look forward to in the way of high school scheduling and preparing for the Washington D.C. Field Trip. We have a lot of fun events and activities planned for January, including our Winter Tailgate, and an awesome guest speaker. And for new students and families that have registered with us over break, welcome to NRMS.

As we get rolling again, please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher, school counselor, grade level principal or me with any questions. We will see our Bears back here tomorrow!

Thank you,


8th to 9th Grade Scheduling

Current 8th grade students will start the scheduling process for high school later this month. For specifics on dates and events, please click here

Winter Tailgate

The Winter Tailgate on Thursday, Jan. 25 is a great way for students to get involved at NRMS. Tickets will go on sale on Jan. 22; please note that we will only sell 300 tickets for this event. The ticket provides students with pizza, water, and chips during the tailgate along with entrance into the 8th grade girls and boys basketball games vs. Nordonia. We ask that students not leave and come back between the tailgate and the start of the games. Once the first game starts, students can be picked up at any time from the Gold Gym. At the conclusion of the second game around 6:30 p.m., all remaining students should be picked up at the main entrance. We encourage all who attend the tailgate to stay for both basketball games. 

Leadership Assemblies/Conference

On Wednesday, Jan. 31, NRMS is excited to welcome Cleveland Guardians Mental Performance Coach, Brian Miles! Brian Miles is going into his 9th season with Cleveland. In his role with the Guardians, Brian assists players and staff of the organization in the continued development to enhance performance and mental/emotional development. He is excited about helping our Bears understand their brain to body connection. Brian will focus on helping our kids learn about how their habits, decision-making, and intent impact their performance. 

Prior to joining the Guardians, Brian worked for the United States Army as part of the Comprehensive Soldier and Family Fitness Program both at Fort Bliss (TX) and Fort Drum (NY). He has also been consulting with Google since 2020, and has supported other teams such as NASA, Weaver Leather Company, Future Fitness, and ReliaQuest.

School Fees

Each year, the District assigns a school fee to students based on their grade level/course selections. This is typically provided to you in September, but the fee assessment was delayed until a couple of weeks ago. You can view these fees through the app or through your Powerschool account. You can submit payment for the fees through a check or through your (Payschools) account.

PTA & Box Tops Raffle for Students

Our NRMS PTA is awesome! They do so very much for our staff and our students. If you are not already a member, click below to become a PTA member. 

North Royalton Educational Foundation

Please use this NREF link to see important dates and local scholarship information.


Membership is critical to our booster groups. If you are interested and able to support our local booster organizations, it is greatly appreciated.

Flyer Central

Please remember to navigate to Flyer Central to see what is happening in our school community.  Please click here to view Flyer Central.