News from North Royalton Middle School

Dates of important events

  • Dec. 6 - NRMS Club and Class Panoramic Picture Day
  • Dec. 7 - Gr 7 Field Trip to Playhouse Square
  • Dec. 8 - NRMS Winter Sports Club Parent/Student Meeting 7 a.m. NRMS Media Center
  • Dec. 11 - NRCSD Board Meeting 5:30 p.m. NRHS Community Room
  • Dec. 13 - Gr 6 Winter Band/Jazz Band Concert 6:30 p.m. NRMS Gold Gym
  • Dec. 13 - Gr 7&8 Winter Band Concert 8:00 p.m. NRMS Gold Gym
  • Dec. 15 - NRMS STAND Unite for MOVIE Night 3:00 p.m. NRHS Community Room

Spirit Week

In anticipation of winter break, NRMS Student Council has planned a spirit week! Check it out below.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher, school counselor, grade level principal, or me with any questions.  



Winter Recess

Administration is meeting with 7th and 8th graders this week to discuss lunch and recess. Starting tomorrow, 7th & 8th graders will have optional recess. Our recess games and activities will be available for students. We will reevaluate this practice at the end of February. 

5th and 6th grade students will continue to follow the elementary model of recess.  Students will have optional recess when it feels like 25 degrees or below. If it feels like 20 degrees, all students will have indoor recess. Please encourage your students to dress for the weather. 

Dress code reminder

As the weather gets colder, kids seem to want to get cozy in their pajama pants and slippers. Both of these are actually dress code violations. School is a place for active engagement, both mentally and physically; pajama pants and slippers are for lounging and sleeping. Please remind your student that these items cannot be worn to school on a regular school day. That being said, we do allow exceptions to the pajama pants rule when NRMS Student Council makes it part of a spirit week, or a grade-level or team earns it as a positive behavior incentive. 

Winter Sports Club

Winter Sports Club is offering one more 7:00 a.m. meeting on Friday, December 8th in the NRMS Media Center. Caregivers and students MUST attend one of the if students wish to participate. The cost is $319 and includes lift tickets, rentals, and lessons. Season pass holders may participate as well. There is also a $30 NR club fee required to participate. Weather permitting, the dates we are scheduled to ski are Wednesday: 1/10, 1/17, 1/24, 1/31, 2/7. We leave NRMS at 4:30 PM and return at 9:00 PM. See you at the meetings!

PTA Reflections Deadline approaching

Students can submit up to one entry in each category of Dance Choreography, Literature, Photography, Film Production, Music Composition, and/or Visual Arts. There is also a Special Artist division for all grades for those students who identify as having a disability and may receive services under IDEA or ADA with an IEP or 504. Each individual entry needs a student entry form. The PTA page for Reflections has been updated with this year's info as well. Entries are due Wednesday December 13, 2023.

School Fees

Each year, the District assigns a school fee to students based on their grade level/course selections. This is typically provided to you in September, but the fee assessment was delayed until a couple of weeks ago. You can view these fees through the app or through your PowerSchool account. You can submit payment for the fees through a check or through your (Payschools) account.

PTA & Box Tops Raffle for Students

Our NRMS PTA is awesome! They do so very much for our staff and our students. If you are not already a member, click below to become a PTA member. 

North Royalton Educational Foundation

Please use this NREF link to see important dates and local scholarship information.


Membership is critical to our booster groups. If you are interested and able to support our local booster organizations, it is greatly appreciated.

Flyer Central

Please remember to navigate to Flyer Central to see what is happening in our school community.  Please click here to view Flyer Central.