News from North Royalton Middle School

Dates of important events

  • Oct. 31 - Costume Day at school
  • Nov. - 1 Pride of NRMS 8:00 a.m. NRMS cafeteria
  • Nov. 2 - Girls on the Run 5K after school
  • Nov. 2 - CCP Informational Night 6:00 p.m. at NRHS
  • Nov. 3 - Report Cards are available in PowerSchool
  • Nov. 6 - Fall Sports Recognition 5:00 p.m. NRMS Gold Gym
  • Nov. 7-8 - Gr 5 & 6 Student-Led Conferences 4-7 p.m.
  • Nov. 9 - Taste of North Royalton 5:30 p.m. @ St. Paul Hellenic Center
  • Nov. 14 - Scholastic Book Fair evening hours 3-8 p.m.
  • Nov. 14 & 16 - Gr 7 Student-Led Conferences, Gr 8 Parent-Teacher Conferences
  • Nov. 15 - Gr. 5 Band & Jazz Bands Concert 7 p.m. NRMS Gold Gym
  • Nov. 17 - STAND Midnight Bowling 
  • Nov. 18 - NRHS Craft Fair 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.

The Power of Relationships

Miss Alison Smolinski was nominated by one of her students to win Ohio Lottery’s Partners in Education Teacher of the Month…and she won! Check out how the awesome surprise went down, here

No day in a middle school is perfect, so the connections and positive relationships we choose to build within our school community are what will keep us strong. With staff members that work hard to advocate and cheer for our kids, and parents and caregivers that guide our kids through each day’s successes and challenges, NRMS is a unique and wonderful place for our kids to grow. 

As always, please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher, school counselor, grade level principal, or me with any questions.  



Report Cards

Report cards will be available in PowerSchool at 3 p.m. on Friday. When you login, you will see a link to a PDF report card on the left-side menu. 

NRMS Scholastic Book Fair

We are happy to invite you to our upcoming Scholastic Book Fair. The Scholastic Book Fair will take place in the middle school media center from Monday, November 13 through Friday, November 17. Families can visit the middle school media center on Tuesday, November 14 after school until 8:00 pm. For more information, click here

Science Olympiad Advisors Needed

At this time we are looking for parents or community members that might be interested in advising our Science Olympiad team. We have several students returning from our 22-23 state qualifying team, and they are hoping to continue their success. Our former advisors would help get things started. Please email me if you are interested. 

Taste of North Royalton

The North Royalton Educational Foundation and North Royalton Stadium Foundation are excited to announce the eleventh annual Taste of North Royalton. The event takes place on Thursday, November 9, 2023, at St. Paul's Hellenic Center. Please use this link for more information about the delicious event!

7th/8th Middle School Basketball

Please see attached link for 7th/8th Middle School Basketball open gyms and tryouts

7th/8th Middle School Wrestling

Please see attached link for 7th/8th 2023 NRMS Pre-season Wrestling Google Form

College Credit Plus

North Royalton High School is hosting a College Credit Plus Information Night on November 2. Please see details below: 

NRHS PTA Annual Craft Fair

The Annual NRHS PTA Craft Fair will be held on Saturday, November 18th from 9am until 3pm at the high school.  Proceeds benefit NRHS students.

  • Craft Fair Volunteers Needed: Grab a friend and sign up HERE to help PTA make the craft fair a success.

PTA Reflections

It is that time of year again for the PTA reflections contest! This year's theme is "I am hopeful because...". Students can submit up to one entry in each category of Dance Choreography, Literature, Photography, Film Production, Music Composition, and/or Visual Arts. There is also a Special Artist division for all grades for those students who identify as having a disability and may receive services under IDEA or ADA with an IEP or 504. Each individual entry needs a student entry form. The PTA page for Reflections has been updated with this year's info as well.

PTA & Box Tops Raffle for Students

Our NRMS PTA is awesome! They do so very much for our staff and our students. If you are not already a member, click below to become a PTA member. 

North Royalton Educational Foundation

Please use this NREF link to see important dates and local scholarship information.


Membership is critical to our booster groups. If you are interested and able to support our local booster organizations, it is greatly appreciated.

Flyer Central

Please remember to navigate to Flyer Central to see what is happening in our school community.  Please click here to view Flyer Central.