News from North Royalton Middle School

Dates of important events

  • Oct. 2 - 6 Spirit Week
  • Oct. 5 - NRMS Fusion & Swingtime Jazz Bands Concert NRMS Cafeteria 7 p.m 
  • Oct. 6 - CogAt testing for participating 6th graders
  • Oct. 12 -Grades 5 & 6 Dodgeball Intramural Forms due to Mr. Francescone
  • Oct. 12 - Kindness Walk-a-thon & Kona Ice Truck (date changed due to weather)
  • Oct. 13 - NEOEA Day; No School
  • Oct. 13 - Varsity Football Game vs. Hudson 7pm Serpentini Stadium
  • Oct. 16 - Panda/Stand Meeting 7:15 a.m. Purple Gym
  • Oct. 19 - Fundraiser Cookie Dough Pick-up; NRMS main entrance 3:30-6:00 p.m.
  • Oct. 19 - 8th grade Choir Concert-7:00pm NRHS PAC
  • Oct. 20 - Varsity Football Game vs. Wadsworth 7pm Serpentini Stadium
  • Oct. 26 - Registration and deposit due for 8th grade Washington DC trip
  • Oct. 30 - NRHS Marching Band Performance for 5th and 8th Gr Band Members 
  • Oct. 30 - Halloween Community Night 5:30-7:00 p.m. NRHS
  • Oct. 31 - Costume Day at school

Halloween Guidelines: Costume Day -Tuesday Oct. 31

I know our students are starting to think about their Halloween costumes. Please remember basic dress code will be enforced, so if you have any questions, please refer to your agenda, which contains our Handbook and Code of Conduct.

The following exceptions will be permitted:

  • General Halloween costumes in good taste
  • Facial make-up 

The following will not be accepted:        

  • No masks that cover a student's entire face                            
  • Weapons of any kind - props
  • No article of clothing may be worn which displays ads or promotions for alcoholic beverage, tobacco, or any other drug; or which advocates violence, death, or use of force against any institution, individual, racial, ethnic, or cultural group; or displays inappropriate satanic or profane language.
  • Bare midriffs, tank tops, muscle shirts and transparent shirts or blouses are not permitted. All shirts should provide appropriate coverage for all areas of the upper body. Undergarments must not be visible.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher, school counselor, grade level principal, or me with any questions.  



Kindness Walk

We have been looking ahead to Friday's weather and, unfortunately, it is not looking great. Our Student Council Team has decided to play it safe and change the date of the Kindness Walk to Thursday, October 12. Thanks to our PTA for making sure our kids can still enjoy some Kona Ice after their walk. 

Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT)

Students in the 6th grade will be taking the CogAT on Friday, October 6. Please click here to view an informational letter regarding this assessment.

7th/8th Middle School Basketball

Please see attached link for 7th/8th Middle School Basketball open gyms and tryouts

Picture Retakes 

If you ordered pictures, they are coming home this week. If your child missed picture day, or you are unhappy with the original picture, picture retake Day is 10/25/23! For details, please click this link to the Inter-State Studios Retakes Help Page. Our retake day order code is: 79395D

If you're satisfied with your child's picture, no further action is required. 

Yearbook Cover Contest

All NRMS Students are invited to participate in our 2023-2024 Yearbook Cover Contest! The theme is Adventures, and submissions can be turned in to Mrs. Pastore in the main office. See our flyer here


North Royalton PTA Council is having a fundraiser at Handel’s Ice Cream on Oct. 12. Funds raised will help the PTA Council offer senior scholarships this year. What a delicious way to support our kids!

PTA Reflections

It is that time of year again for the PTA reflections contest! This year's theme is "I am hopeful because...". Students can submit up to one entry in each category of Dance Choreography, Literature, Photography, Film Production, Music Composition, and/or Visual Arts. There is also a Special Artist division for all grades for those students who identify as having a disability and may receive services under IDEA or ADA with an IEP or 504. Each individual entry needs a student entry form. The PTA page for Reflections has been updated with this year's info as well.

College Credit Plus

North Royalton High School is hosting a College Credit Plus Information Night in November. Please see details below: 

PTA & Box Tops Raffle for Students

Our NRMS PTA is awesome! They do so very much for our staff and our students. If you are not already a member, click below to become a PTA member. 

North Royalton Educational Foundation

Please us this NREF link to see important dates and local scholarship information.


Membership is critical to our booster groups. If you are interested and able to support our local booster organizations, it is greatly appreciated.

Flyer Central

Please remember to navigate to Flyer Central to see what is happening in our school community.  Please click here to view Flyer Central.