News from North Royalton Middle School

Dates of important events

  • Sept. 7-21 - Fall Fundraiser 
  • Sept 25 PANDA/STAND Meeting, Purple Gym 7:15 a.m.
  • Sept. 27 - NRMS Fall Tailgate
  • Sept. 28 - National Good Neighbor Day: Wear a button down sweater, cardigan and sneakers…Mr. Rogers would. 
  • Sept. 28 - NRMS Honor Society Induction Purple Gym 7 p.m.
  • Oct. 2 - 6  Spirit Week
  • Oct. 5 - NRMS Fusion & Swingtime Jazz Bands Concert NRMS Cafeteria 7 p.m 
  • Oct. 6 - CogAt testing for participating 6th graders
  • Oct. 6 - Kindness Walk-a-thon & Kona Ice Truck
  • Oct. 12 - Grades 5 & 6 Dodgeball Intramural Forms due to Mr. Francescone
  • Oct. 13 - NEOEA Day; No School
  • Oct. 13 - Varsity Football Game vs. Hudson 7 p.m.

NRMS Student Opportunities

I cannot believe we are almost through the month of September! Our students just received an email from me detailing some great ways to get involved at NRMS. Both the PTA Reflections and 23-24 Yearbook Cover Contests are underway, we have a Spirit Week and Kindness Walk coming up, 5th and 6th grade intramurals begin in October, and so much more. Our kids have lots of opportunities to use their gifts to make our community awesome.

As we move forward with the school year, please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher, school counselor, grade level principal, or me with any questions.  


Erin Calabrese

NR Schools Communication

As a District, we understand that communication is critical for our students, staff and families.  We have created a plan that identifies HOW we will communicate, WHAT will be communicated and WHERE you can expect to receive or find information.  We encourage everyone to visit our new website and to also download the new District APP.  


The fall tailgate on Wednesday, September 27 is a great way for all students to get involved at NRMS. Students can purchase tickets for $5.00 in the cafeteria. The ticket provides students with pizza, water, and chips during the tailgate, along with entrance into the 8th grade football game at the stadium. Please know that all students who attend the tailgate will be escorted to the stadium at approximately 4:15 PM. Once the game starts at 4:30 PM, students can be picked up at any time from the North Gate near the Board of Education building. We will not be allowing students to leave the stadium without a parent/guardian. 

Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT)

Students in the 6th grade will be taking the CogAT on Friday, October 6. Please click here to view an informational letter regarding this assessment.

NRMS Spirit Week and Walk-a-Thon

October 2, 2023 is World Day of Bullying Prevention. October 6 is the day of our Kindness Walk…so our NRMS Student Council decided to make it a fun spirit week. Please use this link for information on the Walk-a-Thon, as well as details on the NRMS Spirit Week. 

Yearbook Cover Contest

All NRMS Students are invited to participate in our 2023-2024 Yearbook Cover Contest! The theme is Adventures, and submissions can be turned in to Mrs. Pastore in the main office. See our flyer here

PTA Reflections

It is that time of year again for the PTA reflections contest! This year's theme is "I am hopeful because...". Students can submit up to one entry in each category of Dance Choreography, Literature, Photography, Film Production, Music Composition, and/or Visual Arts. There is also a Special Artist division for all grades for those students who identify as having a disability and may receive services under IDEA or ADA with an IEP or 504. Each individual entry needs a student entry form. The PTA page for Reflections has been updated with this year's info as well.

PTA & Box Tops Raffle for Students

Our NRMS PTA is awesome! They do so very much for our staff and our students. If you are not already a member, click below to become a PTA member. 

Physical Education Shirts

PE shirts can be purchased in our main office for a cost of $7. All students grades 5-7 need a PE shirt. 

North Royalton Educational Foundation

Please us this NREF link to see important dates and local scholarship information.


Membership is critical to our booster groups. If you are interested and able to support our local booster organizations, it is greatly appreciated.

Flyer Central

Please remember to navigate to Flyer Central to see what is happening in our school community.  Please click here to view Flyer Central.

Please take a look below for information about upcoming events!