A Bear Update

June 25, 2024

Hello Bear Families,

We hope that summer is going well and you are getting a chance to rest, relax and spend some quality time together.

As you know from our earlier communications, we have been working hard to recruit and retain teammates in the transportation department.  We are making progress, but we have not made the progress needed to keep the three-tier transportation system in place for the coming school year.

As a result, we will be moving to the two-tier system that will combine middle and high school.  This will also move both school start times to 7:40 a.m. and their end times to 2:40 p.m.  The elementary school times will not change.

We are continuing to work through some of the details, but here is what we can share at this time:

  • There will be additional detailed communication about the logistics for middle and high school arrival and dismissal in early August.

  • We will be sending communication asking for families to identify if they do not plan to use our transportation services.  The more accurate information we have about who is riding, the more efficient we can be as we finalize plans.

  • ARRIVAL: There will be a dedicated pick up and drop off traffic pattern at the high school and middle school.  The high school pattern will be in the front of the building coming in off of Ridge Road and going out onto Ridge Road.  The middle school will be entering off of Royalton Road (RT 82) and exiting onto Ridge Road.  The middle school exit onto Ridge Road will be a right turn only.  

  • The middle school will have an early arrival and late dismissal opportunity.

  • DISMISSAL: We will line up multiple rows of cars in the driveway coming on to the middle school site off of Royalton Road.  This will allow more cars to be on our property rather than on the street holding up traffic.  We will have someone there directing traffic for dismissal.

  • The CVCC bus will be staged in such a way that the CVCC students can still come to school on the bus and make it to CVCC in time for class.

  • We have made a bus safety/behavior video that will be shared closer to the start of school.   

  • Our ability to stage all of the buses in specific locations on our site will enable an efficient and effective arrival and dismissal.

  • We plan to have several additional adults helping with our new approach to make sure safety remains our highest priority.

  • This approach should allow our elementary dismissal to happen more efficiently.

We are welcoming and dismissing over 1,200-1,400 students from each site each day.  This always has, and will continue to take, a good amount of time.  The first week or two of the school year is always the most time consuming, as we work out some of the unforeseen “kinks'' and take a little extra time as everyone settles back into the routine.  This coming year will be no exception, so we ask for your patience as the school year gets underway and everyone gets familiar with the new process.

We will send out additional details and the safety/behavior video in early August.  We typically have routing done by then as well.

We feel like we have a good plan in place and we will continue to refine that plan.  In addition, we will continue to recruit drivers and try to build our team to provide the best service possible.  Thank you to everyone who provided feedback as we went through this process.   

If you have any feedback you would like to provide or any questions, please email or call me.

Thank you. 

Mike Laub
North Royalton City Schools

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