Final Exam Schedule
Final exams will take place Tuesday, June 3rd through Thursday, June 5th. For information click here.
Parking Permit Information for the 2024-2025 School Year
For information regarding student parking permits for next year, CLICK HERE. In order to qualify for a parking permit next year, all school fees must be current as of the end of this school year.
Supplying Success
This local non-profit group helps North Royalton City School District families in need by providing children their school supplies for a successful start to the school year. For more information and to register for assistance click here.
Summer Youth Camps
Check out the General Flyers Section of Flyer Central for all the upcoming youth camps.
Cedar Point Family Day - North Royalton Elementary School Invites You
Last year NRES had 410 people attend their annual Family Day at Cedar Point. This year, they'd like to invite you to join the fun on Sunday, June 23rd.
Click here for the Cedar Point Family Day flier
Click here to register to attend this year's North Royalton Cedar Point Family Day
College Credit Plus
NRHS' Counseling team held a second CCP Information Night for parents and students on February 1st. This presentation took place in the PAC and included representatives from local colleges. A link to the presentation can be found here.
Intent to participate forms must be turned in by April 1, 2024 in order to be eligible to take part next school year. Currently participating CCP students must complete the intent to participate form each year. Click here to complete the Intent to Participate Form.
Course and Activity Fees
Course and activity fees have been applied to student accounts. Please check your child's PowerSchool for details. Fees can be paid in person at the main office with check or cash, or can be paid using Fees apply for online payments.
North Royalton Yeti Mugs are Back in Stock
In partnership with Ace Hardware, North Royalton branded Yetis are again available. The 35 ounce Rambler Straw Mug can be purchased at the NR Ace Hardware for $49. Partial proceeds benefit the NRHS special education program activities. Click here to check them out.
North Royalton Health Fair and Family Expo - November 2nd - Save the Date
As a District, we understand that communication is critical for our students, staff and families. We have created a plan that identifies HOW we will communicate, WHAT will be communicated and WHERE you can expect to receive or find information. We encourage everyone to visit our new website and to also download the new District APP.
Transportation for CVCC Students
For information about transportation for CVCC students CLICK HERE.
Community Career Connections
North Royalton City Schools is interested in making connections with our community members and sharing their career expertise with our students at all grade levels. If you are interested in sharing your time and career expertise, please fill out the attached form and join our network of Community Career Connections. Your information will be kept on file and, if we get a request that is a good fit with your career, we will contact you. Thank you for making yourself available to our school district!
How Can I Support our Students?
We have many ways that our parents and community are able to support our students. If you are interested and able to join and support our booster organizations, it would be greatly appreciated.
Athletic Boosters Next meeting - June 4, 7pm - Media Center
Band Boosters Next meeting - TBA - Media Center
Choir Boosters Next meeting - TBA - Choir Room
NRHS PTA Next meeting - September 10, 9:30am - Community Room (PTA Minutes)
North Royalton Education Foundation
PTA does a great job supporting our students. Please consider joining NRHS PTA. A membership costs only $8 and can be easily signed up for by following this link.
The Royal News
Check out the latest articles in "The Royal News"...published by students, for students.
NoRoNation AccuWeather - Get up-to-the-minute local NRHS weather
updates HERE.