Student schedules are now live in PowerSchool for students who have updated and verified enrollment information. If this process has not been completed, please follow the directions contained later in this message. For any questions related to a student's schedule, please contact the appropriate school counselor.
Time to Update Student Registration and Enrollment Information
It is time for parents to update student registration and enrollment information. Please follow these steps to make sure your child's records are up-to-date. Access to student schedules, parking permits, field trips and athletics all rely on this information being updated. Please take action now.
Freshmen Chromebook Exchange and New Student Chromebook Pickup
Every 9th grader (Class of 2027) will be exchanging their school-issued Chromebook and power cord for a new Chromebook and power cord.
Students who are new to the district will also pick up their school-issued Chromebook during this time.
We have set aside August 17th from 3pm until 6pm to make this process quick and efficient and to not interrupt instructional time. If at all possible, please exchange your Chromebook during this timeframe.
August 17, 2023 3:00-6:00 pm
Last Names A-G 3:00-4:00 pm
Last Names H-O 4:00-5:00 pm
Last Names P-Z 5:00-6:00 pm
If this time does not work, students may exchange their Chromebook during a study hall in the Media Center during the first few days of school.
Click Here for details on how to be prepared for the exchange of your Chromebook.
Freshmen Orientation is Friday, August 18th
Link Crew, Freshmen Orientation is on Friday, August 18th from 8am until Noon. Please click here for important information about Orientation.
New Student Orientation and Tour is Friday, August 18th
New Students in grades 10-12 will be given a brief orientation and building tour beginning at noon on August 18th. The orientation will last approximately an hour. Students will be greeted just inside the the main entrance (Door #1) by Link Crew Leaders and will begin the tour shortly after noon.
New Student and Freshmen Parent Information Night
Parents of New Students and Freshmen are invited to an information night at 7pm on Tuesday, August 15th. Information will be shared with parents that will help get their child off to a successful start at NRHS. This meeting will be held in the PAC and will last approximately an hour.
Class of 2024 - 12th Grade Immunization Verification Form
The Ohio Department of Health has updated the immunization requirements for students entering 12th Grade. More information about this requirement and how to verify your child's immunizations can be found here. Completed verification forms can be returned to the main office, M-F, 7am-3pm or emailed to
Student Fees
Class, activity and parking fees can be viewed on the Powerschool app or by logging on to your Powerschool account. Fee payments can be submitted to the office by check or cash, or paid via (Payschools). Summer office hours are 7-3pm, M-F.
Parking Permit Information for the 2023-2024 School Year
Students with a valid driver’s license for the 2023-2024 school year can log in to their Class of 2024, Class of 2025, or Class of 2026 Google Classrooms to access the application. Proof of a valid driver’s license and auto insurance can be uploaded on the application, shown in person, or copies sent to the NRHS main office.
Student Registration MUST be completed/updated for the 2023-2024 school year and all fees, as of the end of the 2022-2023 school year, must be paid in order for students to pick up their parking permits.
School Messenger and Automated Attendance Calls
North Royalton City Schools continues to work to streamline its parent communications and notifications. The District will be utilizing School Messenger to communicate with parents.
The district utilizes an automatic calling system for school absences. If your child is not in attendance and you have not notified your child’s school of their absence, you will receive a phone call letting you know that your child is absent and that you need to contact the school regarding your child’s attendance status.
The phone numbers that will appear should you receive one of these calls from the high school are: 440-582-7804 and 440-582-7801. Please save these numbers in your phone so that you can easily identify this call.
Access to PowerSchool
Powerschool Parent Portal Quick Start Guide
Transportation for CVCC Students
A shuttle bus will run between North Royalton High School and CVCC every day that CVCC has class. The morning shuttle will leave the high school staff lot (behind the high school) at 7:10 am. It will return students to the high school at approximately 11:10 a.m.
The afternoon shuttle will leave the high school student parking lot by the main entrance (Door #1) at 11:03 am and will return to the high school at 2:55pm. Students who need a ride home from the high school at 2:55pm will ride middle school transportation.
Community Career Connections
North Royalton City Schools is interested in making connections with our community members and sharing their career expertise with our students at all grade levels. If you are interested in sharing your time and career expertise, please fill out the attached form and join our network of Community Career Connections. Your information will be kept on file and, if we get a request that is a good fit with your career, we will contact you. Thank you for making yourself available to our school district!
How Can I Support our NRHS Students?
We have many ways that our parents and community are able to support our students. If you are interested and able to join and support our booster organizations, it would be greatly appreciated.
Athletic Boosters Next meeting - August 14th, 7pm - Media Center
Band Boosters Next meeting - August 7th, 7pm - Media Center
Choir Boosters Next meeting - September 19, 7:30pm - Choir Room
NRHS PTA Next meeting - September 12, 9:30a.m. - Community Room (PTA Minutes)
North Royalton Education Foundation
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