Bear Families,

As you know, November 7th is election day this year and it is a scheduled school day for our staff and students.  We were informed by the Board of Elections that they will be using North Royalton Elementary as a polling location. We have been discussing the logistics surrounding that day and the additional safety procedures we would need to put in place.  

Schools have been used for voting in numerous districts over many years and we believe we can safely have our students in school.  That being said, another item of concern is the already challenging situation with parking and traffic.  During morning arrival, midday arrival/dismissal, and end of the day dismissal, there are several challenges without the added volume from voters.  In addition, due to the number of parking spaces occupied by our staff, there is minimal parking on site.

It is clear that the expected voter turnout will be high.  Knowing that, we feel it is wise to not have elementary students attend that day. 

On November 7, 2023, our elementary students will not have school, although elementary staff will still report. We plan on discussing the March election day after we have a chance to see how the November election day looks without students in the building.  We also need to verify that the Board of Elections plans to use North Royalton Elementary School as a polling location this coming spring.

High school and middle school are not polling locations and will be in session.

As always, please call or email with any questions.

Thank you,

Michael Laub


North Royalton City Schools