The Ohio Department of Education released the 2023 Ohio School Report Cards this week. We know that the report card does not define our District, but it provides feedback in areas measured by the State. We couldn’t be more proud to share the results below (5 Stars being the highest rating):
Overall Rating (5 Stars) - The Overall rating is calculated by a weighted formula of all other rated components.
Achievement (5 Stars) - The Achievement Component measures students academic achievement using each level of performance on Ohio's State Tests.
Progress (5 Stars) - The Progress Component measures the academic performance of students compared to expected growth on Ohio's State Tests.
Gap Closing (5 Stars) - The Gap Closing component shows how well schools are meeting the performance expectations for our students in English language arts, math, and graduation. It also measures how schools are doing in supporting English learners to increase language proficiency, reducing chronic absenteeism for all students, and identifying gifted students and providing gifted services.
Graduation (5 Stars) - The Graduation Component is a measure of the four-year adjusted cohort graduation rate and the five-year adjusted cohort graduation rate.
Early Literacy (4 Stars) - The Early Literacy Component is a measure of reading improvement and proficiency for students in kindergarten through third grade.
College, Career, Workforce, and Military Readiness (Not rated this year) - The College, Career, Workforce, and Military Readiness Component measures how well-prepared Ohio's students are for all future opportunities.
In addition to the State Report Card, we also release our own measures that we believe give a more in-depth report of who we are and what we do. Please take the time to review our 2022-23 Quality Profile. Academics, arts, student leadership and activities, fiscal stewardship, parent and community involvement, and pupil services are all highlighted within this document that demonstrate what we do beyond the State Report Card.
We are proud of our students, teachers, staff and community as our collaborative efforts certainly reflect how we continue to excel in inspiring and empowering our learners.
With Bear Pride,
Melissa Vojta, Assistant Superintendent
Jeffrey Cicerchi, Director of Secondary Curriculum and Instruction
Mike Laub, Superintendent