students gathering in preparation for mock trials

North Royalton High School Mock Trial Team took part in the Ohio Center for Law-Related Education Mock Trial regional competition on February 18 at the County Courthouse.  Under the direction of school advisor Rachael Sladky and legal advisor Lydia Cancilla, the 11 NRHS students competed against nine other Cleveland area high school teams and did so well that they advanced to the state finals at the Ohio Statehouse in Columbus March 9-11. 

Ohio Mock Trial offers an innovative ap­proach to learning the law and how our legal sys­tem func­tions. Guided by teach­ers and vol­un­teer legal ad­vi­sors, stu­dents par­tic­i­pate in an orig­i­nal, un­scripted sim­u­lated trial writ­ten by at­tor­neys.  High school stu­dents argue both sides of the case in real courtrooms across the state.  The NRHS team started meeting in September.  They meet for a minimum of three hours per week. They host additional meetings to prepare for competitions and scrimmages. Legal Advisor Lydia Cancilla is an attorney at law who volunteers her time to prepare the students for their court cases.

“Making it to the State competition is a true testament to how hard these students have worked. In addition to weekly practices, they have spent months learning and refining their understanding of the casefile and crafting their legal argument and witness testimonials. The nature of competition demands that they are prepared for anything and masters of rhetoric because at its root it is unscripted. While some students are actively pursuing internships and future careers in law, it is beneficial to all involved because what they are learning and experiencing in this program is unlike any other opportunity available to high school students.

I am so proud of this team because they have truly earned this opportunity. They have taught me so much, and I am grateful to work with them. I also want to thank Lydia Cancilla because she has spent countless hours teaching and reviewing material with our team’s attorneys. We would not be in this position without her help.” said Sladky.

Each year, vol­un­teer at­tor­neys cre­ate an orig­i­nal case around a cur­rent con­sti­tu­tional issue im­por­tant to stu­dents.  Mock Trial teams work with an at­tor­ney or a judge to pre­pare their case – from both the plain­tiff and defense perspective. Competitions at the dis­trict, re­gional and state lev­els are con­ducted in an ac­tual courtroom and are scored by pan­els of lawyers and judges.

Students on the NRHS Mock Trial Team include Grady Bokoch, Gavin Paulesc, Akshita Kannan, Arleen Rai, Gianna Cimino, Janhvi Pujan, Rasleen Rai, Neerja Shah, Naisha Chopra, Sana Hameed and Brooke Sposit.

“We owe a great deal to Ms. Sladky and Ms. Cancilla for all their hard work coaching and advising our students,” said Principal Sean Osborne, North Royalton High School.  The goal of this experience is to help improve critical thinking, reading, writing, public speaking and listening skills; de­velop un­der­stand­ing and ap­pre­ci­a­tion for the law, court pro­ce­dures, and the ju­di­cial sys­tem; un­der­stand con­sti­tu­tional rights and re­spon­si­bil­i­ties; and rec­og­nize and re­ward stu­dents’ aca­d­e­mic and in­tel­lec­tual achieve­ments.

“Mock Trial includes so many of the skills that we as a School District are trying to develop in our students,” said Osborne. “Speaking and writing skills, creating and supporting arguments, and showing poise and presence in a public setting are skill sets that this unique opportunity offers for our students. Our team absolutely grew in all of these areas through their participation.”