25/26 Registration opens February 1, 2025
New Student Registration
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Welcome to North Royalton City Schools. You are on your way to becoming a proud NR Bear! Below you will find all of the information you need to enroll each of your children. You must complete the entire registration process to enroll your student in North Royalton City Schools. Only the custodian/legal guardian can officially enroll a student. The custodial parent/legal guardian must be the individual filling out the application and providing signatures. You will need an active email address to complete the registration process and to receive updated information throughout the school year. You must follow the registration process for EACH child that you need to register/enroll. Links for registration for the current and the next school year are listed to the right.
Children must be 5 before August 1st to register for Kindergarten
KINDERGARTEN OPTIONS: The District offers the 5-day all-day option, which is $2,750 for the 25/26 school year, and the ½ day option. The choices for the ½ day programs are Monday-Friday 9:00-11:45 for the AM session and 12:45-3:30 for the PM session.
Kindergarten families must sign up for both of the following:
25/26 Registration
Kindergarten Screening
All grades will need to call our Registration Office for an appointment @
The District's Registration Office is located at North Royalton Middle School. The address is 14709 Ridge Road, North Royalton. Please enter through the main entrance of the Middle School and use the buzzer to be admitted into the building. Mrs. Jenny Wintrich, the Registrar, will come out to the lobby to greet you and to bring you in to complete the registration process. An appointment is required. When coming to the appointment, please bring all of the necessary paperwork with you that is outlined below.
Child's original birth certificate
Current lease if you rent
Current utility bill if you own (gas/electric)
Photo ID of parent/legal guardian
Custody/Guardian paperwork (if applicable)
Immunization records
Owner Affidavit (If you live with someone else who owns or rents the home)