Food Safety
North Royalton City Schools takes its commitment to provide a safe learning environment for all individuals seriously. In recent years, the increased number of students with life-threatening food allergies is more evident in our buildings. Most common life-threatening allergens include: peanuts, tree nuts, eggs and milk/milk products. Although it may seem simple, there is no way to ensure a building is “allergen-safe”, especially with the vast variety of allergies. A schoolwide ban of an allergen may not render the environment absolutely safe because there is no method for ensuring that the allergen does not inadvertently come into the school.
Therefore, we are taking proactive steps to help reduce a possible allergen exposure for the children. One important step includes the annual training of all staff about food allergies including the most common food allergens, signs and symptoms of a reaction, and emergency medication administration. Also, we have eliminated the sharing of all home-baked goods with other students at the Elementary Buildings. All shared snacks i.e.: birthday party, classroom party snacks-must be selected from an approved list that is free of the four most common food allergies milk, egg, peanut, tree nut). The list is available on our web site or in your child’s building packet. Also, an Emergency Allergy Plan will be initiated for each child who has a life-threatening food allergy upon receipt of a physician’s note documenting the allergy and the severity. The Emergency Allergy Plan will include a step-by-step guide for that child in case of an allergic reaction. An initial meeting may be requested of the parents so that the school staff is better informed of the allergy. Finally, if determined necessary, designated locations within the lunch area will be reserved for those students with severe food allergies.
Children without allergies can also sit in these “zones”, provided their food does not contain the allergen. Those tables will be cleaned by adult staff with the appropriate supplies.
To ensure the safety of the child, the program will require participation by all. Each individual has his or her own responsibilities.
Family's Responsibility
Notify the school of the child’s allergies and provide a physician’s note documenting the allergy, the foods-to omit, and the foods-to substitute regardless of the severity.
For children with NON life-threatening allergies that do not require emergency medication EpiPen or Benadryl), please complete and return the ‘Notification of Non-Emergent Food Allergy’ form NSG-200G with a physician’s signature.
Please note that food services will NOT be notified until your physician has completed this form or sends in other medical documentation. Therefore, your child will NOT receive any food substitutions should they attempt to purchase lunch until the District receives the appropriate medical documentation.
For children with life-threatening allergies, please provide the following documentation: Emergency Allergy Plan NSG-200F-& the Administration of Medication Request Form (NSG-300A)
Parents are encouraged to pack their child’s lunch until this information is made available to the school.
Provide properly labeled medications and replace them after use or expiration.
Provide current emergency contact information in case of an incident.
Contact the school’s Cafeteria Manager via phone on those days that the child will be purchasing a lunch from the cafeteria:
High School Cafeteria: Robin Kramer 440-582-7835
Middle School Cafeteria: Robin Vargo 440-582-9120 x 3419
North Royalton Elementary: Vicki Rodriguez 440-582-9060 x 3379
REMINDER: The parents of those children who have a life-threatening allergy which may cause an anaphylactic reaction who choose to purchase lunch on any given day MUST contact the kitchen the day they wish to purchase lunch. The manager will review that day’s menu. If the parent does not call the kitchen on the day that the lunch is purchased, the cafeteria manager will to the best of her ability-only allow the student to purchase lunch items which do not contain the allergen.